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Elevate Your Routine: Multi-Equipment Workouts with Resistance Bands

Oct 20,2023 | Easy Choi

In this comprehensive resistance workout guide, We'll delve into invigorating Resistance Band-Dumbbell Combo Workouts that promise to supercharge your strength. We'll step onto the treadmill, infusing each stride with the empowering resistance of bands, igniting a high-energy cardio experience. And for those seeking harmony in movement, we'll explore the art of Yoga Fusion, where the humble resistance band enhances each pose, transforming your practice into a full-body, strength-building endeavor.

Get ready to elevate your routine to new heights, as we unravel the transformative potential of these multi-equipment workouts. It's time to sculpt, strengthen, and invigorate in ways you never imagined. Let's dive in!

  • Supercharge Your Strength: Resistance Band-Dumbbell Combo Workouts
  • Resistance Bands on the Treadmill: A High-Energy Cardio Experience
  • Yoga Fusion: Enhancing Your Practice with Resistance Bands


Supercharge Your Strength: Resistance Band-Dumbbell Combo Workouts

Banded Dumbbell Romanian Deadlift

The Dumbbell Romanian Deadlift is an exercise variation of the barbell Romanian deadlift. The movement is the same: With a straight back and straight legs, you bend your upper body forward and stand up again. The dumbbells are guided in front of the body. The exercise is also referred to as dumbbell Romanian deadlift with straight legs due to its form.

  1. Grab the dumbbells in both hands and stand with your feet shoulder-width apart with a straight back and relaxed legs.
  2. Form a very slight hollow back and hold the dumbbells diagonally next to your hips or thighs. You are now in the starting position.
  3. Bend your upper body forward, keeping your back straight, your head upright, and your legs straight. Guide the dumbbells down along your legs.
  4. End the downward movement before (!) you have to curve your back to bend further or when you feel a strong pull in your posterior thighs.
  5. Then lift your upper body back up in a controlled manner to the starting position.

Banded Dumbbell Front Raise

Resistance band front raise is a resistance band exercise that primarily targets the shoulders.

  1. Grab an elastic band and hold one end in each hand. Next, step on the middle of the band with feet about hip-width apart.
  2. Stand tall with chest out and back straight. Arms out in front with palms on your thighs. This is the starting position.
  3. Begin the exercise by raising your arms straight up until they are parallel to the ground. Pause, then lower back down to the starting position.

Banded Dumbbell Chest Press

Banded Dumbbell chest press is a popular alternative to the barbell bench press. This exercise allows for a less restricted range of motion while still maintaining the same basic movement, making it a favorite variation among many athletes. You’ll be lying on a flat floor or weight bench and pressing two dumbbells vertically upward with both arms. It’s a compound exercise, targeting multiple muscle groups, with the primary focus on the middle chest.

  1. Grab the dumbbells and sit on the flat bench. Place the dumbbells just above your knees on your thighs.
  2. Lie on your back on the floor or gym bench and simultaneously push the dumbbells up with your knees to bring them directly over your chest (see video above).
  3. Keep your feet firmly on the ground and press the dumbbells up side by side with your arms extended above your chest. The backs of your hands should face your head.
  4. Pull your shoulder blades back.
  5. Form a slight arch in your back, creating the so-called bridge. This helps you manage the pushing movement coming from the chest optimally. You’re now in the starting position.
  6. Slowly lower the dumbbells by bending your elbows and pulling your shoulders back. Your elbows shouldn’t be spread too far outwards, but should be directed inward, towards your body. Keep your shoulder blades contracted the entire time.
  7. Stop the downward movement when your chest is stretched or your upper arms are about parallel to the floor.
  8. Push the dumbbells back up through your chest to the starting position by straightening your shoulders and elbows and moving your arms in front of your chest.

Get the same dumbbell & resistance bands set

Banded Seated Dumbbell Row

The seated banded seated dumbbell row allows you placing all your focus on your upper body. With this variation, using a resistance band, you will be emphasizing your teres major/minor, rhomboids, and middle traps as well as your lats and biceps.

  1. Anchor the band to a low point so that when you sit down on the floor the band is at about upper ab level and parallel with the floor.
  2. The band will be anchored at its middle so you can grab each looped end with your hands like its a handle. Hold the loops with your hand.
  3. Without raising your shoulders up, row the band back until your elbows shoot behind you and your hands are almost near the side of your chest. Keep your elbows close to your side throughout the movement.
  4. Hold the end position and squeeze your back and arms, then very slowly return your arms to full extension out in front of you.
  5. Repeat for desired reps.

Banded Dumbbell Crunch

  1. Lie on your back on a floor or bench and hold a dumbbell in two hands. Use resistance bands through the dumbbell, and grip the other side of the bands with your hands.
  2. Raise your legs up, with your knees bent, so that your thighs are perpendicular to the floor and your knees are bent at a 90-degree angle (or as close as possible).
  3. Reach your arms over your head so that your biceps are next to your ears. Allow your elbows to bend slightly so the dumbbell is below the bench.
  4. Perform a crunch from this position, curling your head, shoulders and neck off the floor or bench and rolling up toward your knees. Curl up until your head and upper back are raised off the bench.
  5. As you curl up, keep your arms in the same overhead position as step three. They should move in sync with your head, neck and body during this exercise.

Resistance Bands on the Treadmill: A High-Energy Cardio Experience

Walking on a treadmill with resistance bands

Walking on the treadmill with resistance bands can increase Muscle Engagement,the resistance bands provide additional resistance, which intensifies the engagement of leg muscles, including the quadriceps, hamstrings, and glutes, and provides a comprehensive lower body workout in a relatively short amount of time, making it a time-efficient option for those with busy schedules.

  1. Position the resistance band around both legs, just above your knees. Ensure it fits snugly but comfortably.
  2. Warm-Up:Begin with a 5-10 minute warm-up. Walk or jog at a comfortable pace on the treadmill to prepare your muscles.
  3. Core Engagement:Stand tall with engaged core muscles. This will help stabilize your body during the workout.
  4. Step onto the Treadmill:Step onto the treadmill and start at a pace that you find comfortable. Maintain a stable footing.
  5. Activate Lower Body Muscles:As you walk, focus on pushing against the resistance of the bands with each step. This targets the muscles of your thighs and glutes more intensely.
  6. Maintain Proper Form:Keep your movements controlled and avoid excessive lateral motion. The resistance bands will naturally encourage deliberate steps.
  7. Gradual Increase in Intensity:Once you feel comfortable, consider increasing the speed of the treadmill for added challenge.

Treadmill squat with resistance band

Resistance band activate your glutes and engages your hips through a variety of lower body exercises. The goal is to stimulate the legs, glutes, and hips to give the thigh and butt more shape.

  1. 3 minute warm-up without bands
  2. 24 minutes of treadmill incline walking with a resistance band
  3. 2 minute walking regularly
  4. 1 minute side step squatting (one side)
  5. 1 minute side step squatting (opposite side)
  7. 3 minutes walking cool down without bands

Before you start trying to up the incline on the treadmill, it’s important to ensure your form is on point. People naturally feel the need to lean back in order to compensate for the increased incline or hold onto the machine.

Don’t do it.

Hanging on to the machine reduces activation of the leg muscles, which essentially defeats the purpose of increasing incline.

So, whether you are walking, running or sprinting, you should never set the incline or speed so high that you can’t move your hands-free with proper form.

Get free resistance bands set now

Lunges with resistance bands on treadmill

  1. Put resistance bands around your ankel. Step forward with your left leg and bend both knees to execute a lunge – making sure your left knee is aligned with your left ankle and both legs bent at a 90 degree angle.
  2. Do 90 second intervals.

Yoga Fusion: Enhancing Your Practice with Resistance Bands

The benefit of bands with yoga

Build Strength

Strength is a measure of force production. It is your body’s response to doing something effortful. Typically, strengthening practices involve creating force against an external load, such as, weights, kettlebells, or resistance bands. You can become stronger by lifting heavy loads, lifting light loads with many repetitions, or by moving rapidly under light load.

In yoga asana, we are typically producing force against a certain percentage of our that varies from pose to pose. For a beginner, yoga asana alone may be a strengthening practice if the percentage of bodyweight lifted is effortful. But for the experienced practitioner, it is unlikely that yoga asana will increase strength because as your familiarity increases, the effort required decreases. And while there can be a lot of repetition in yoga asana, it unlikely that enough repetitions are performed to invoke lasting adaptations.

However, when we use traditional weights or resistance bands in our yoga asana practice, our bodies are required to do more to manage the external load. This increased effort can transform yoga asana into a strengthening practice. While we can practice yoga with dumbbells, the creativity of our movement is limited because the weights must travel in a precise path, against gravity to produce resistance. Elastic resistance bands are unique in that resistance can be developed in any direction the band is elongated . This quality makes resistance bands a versatile yoga prop to add to your collection.

Releted: yoga resistance band workout (postpartum can do it)

yoga mat

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