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Sculpt Your Body: 8-Week Hypertrophy Plan

Apr 08,2024 | Easy Choi

Transform your physique with our 8-week hypertrophy plan designed to sculpt your body and boost muscle growth for intermediate and advanced trainees. Incorporating rest-pause sets, drop sets, and negatives, this program will elevate your gains to the next level!

Main Goal Build Muscle
Workout Type Split
Training Level Intermediate
Program Duration

8 weeks

Days Per Week 4
Equipment Required Barbell, Bodyweight, Cables, Dumbbells, Machines
Target Gender

Male & Female

Recommended Supps Protein


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Introduction to the Program

Summer is coming, the focus shifts to building healthy mass. After putting in the hard work to trim down and enhance your physique, it might be time to shift gears towards gaining strength and muscle mass. If this sounds like your fitness journey, you're in the right place.

Program Overview and Structure

Welcome to the Muscle Mastery Program! Over the next eight weeks, our goal is to help you pack on muscle and increase your strength. This structured program spans four days a week of dedicated weight training sessions. These workouts are designed to be intense and challenging, ensuring optimal gains without the need for additional training sessions. Remember, balance is key; prioritize rest, nutrition, and a life beyond the gym.

Target Audience and Expectations

This program is tailored for intermediate and advanced fitness enthusiasts seeking substantial gains in size and strength. Beginners are advised to focus on mastering form and technique before diving into such an intensive regimen. Don’t fret, though – there are plenty of beginner-friendly programs available to kickstart your fitness journey effectively.

Training Principles for Maximum Gains

In the pursuit of new gains, breaking through plateaus requires stepping outside your comfort zone. This program integrates advanced intensity techniques to push beyond perceived limits and ignite muscle growth.

Rest-Pause Sets

Embrace the challenge of rest-pause sets to amplify workout intensity. Push a set to failure within the rep range, rest briefly (10-15 seconds), then perform additional reps. For instance, with barbell curls, you might complete 8 reps, rest briefly, then crank out another 4 reps. These extra reps stimulate muscle adaptation and growth beyond traditional sets.

Drop Sets

Introduce drop sets to sustain muscle stimulation post-failure. After reaching muscle failure, reduce the weight without resting to extend the set. For example, on incline dumbbell presses, complete 10 reps with heavier dumbbells, then seamlessly switch to lighter dumbbells for 12 more reps. Drop sets ensure muscles experience varied resistance, promoting hypertrophy without compromising form.


Incorporate slow negative reps to intensify muscle engagement and promote strength gains. During negatives, focus on controlled descents, elongating the eccentric phase. By extending the time under tension, such as lowering a dumbbell over 5-10 seconds during a curl, muscles work harder, triggering greater muscle fiber recruitment and adaptation. Integrating negatives strategically in your routine enhances muscle breakdown for optimal growth.

Determining Your Ideal Weight

One of the fundamental queries often encountered revolves around choosing the appropriate weight for exercises. The answer is straightforward: select a weight challenging enough to complete the desired reps within the prescribed range. For instance, if the goal is 6-8 reps but you easily manage 12, increase the weight. Conversely, if you struggle to reach four reps, lighten the load. Fine-tuning the weight is a trial-and-error process tailored to individual capacity and progress.

Optimal Nutrition for Growth

To support intense training and muscle development, a well-structured nutrition plan is essential. Prioritize protein intake as it fuels recovery and muscle growth. Avoid leaving protein on your plate during meals, ensuring you maximize its benefits. Additionally, savor meals slowly to aid digestion and prevent discomfort, promoting efficient nutrient absorption crucial for muscle repair and growth.

Balanced Cardiovascular Exercise

While focused on muscle gain, don't disregard cardiovascular fitness. Integrating moderate-intensity cardio sessions lasting about 20 minutes, three to four times a week, not only aids calorie management but also promotes heart health. These sessions can be scheduled in the morning or post-workout, adapting to your routine for holistic fitness benefits.

Training Schedule

This program is designed around a structured four-day routine to maximize muscle growth and recovery. Each workout targets specific muscle groups to ensure balanced development and prevent overtraining. Ideally, follow this split for optimal results:

  • Monday: Chest and Side Delts
  • Tuesday: Upper Back and Rear Delts
  • Wednesday: Rest Day
  • Thursday: Arms and Abs
  • Friday: Legs
  • Saturday and Sunday: Rest Days

While this split offers optimal recovery between workouts, individual schedules may require flexibility. Adjust the training days to fit your lifestyle but avoid training for more than three consecutive days without a break. Consistent recovery periods are crucial for muscle repair and growth. Strive for at least two rest days after every workout cycle to optimize your training outcomes and prevent potential setbacks.


Workout 1: Chest and Side Delts

Exercise  Sets Reps  Rest
Incline Barbell Bench Press  3 12, 10, 12*  90 sec
Flat Dumbbell Bench Press  3 12, 10, 15+  90 sec
Cable Crossover  3 12, 12, 12^  90 sec
Seated Lateral Raise 3 12, 12, 12 90 sec
Single Arm Cable Lateral Raise 3 12, 12, 12 90 sec
  • Rest-Pause Set: Perform the set to failure within the rep range, rest for 10-15 seconds, then perform as many reps as possible.
  • Drop Set: Reduce the weight after reaching failure and continue the set with a lighter weight without rest.
  • ^ 3-5 Second Negatives: Lower the weight slowly for 3-5 seconds during the lowering phase of the exercise to increase time under tension and muscle activation.


Workout 2: Upper Back and Rear Delts

Exercise Sets Reps Rest
Bent-Over Barbell Row 3 12, 10, 12* 90 sec
Dumbbell Pullover 3 12, 10, 15+ 90 sec
Wide Grip Lat Pulldown 3 12, 12, 12^ 90 sec
Dumbbell Rear Delt Fly  3 12, 12, 12 90 sec
Cable Face Pull 12, 12, 12 90 sec
Dumbbell Shrug 3 12, 12, 12 90 sec
  • Rest-Pause Set: Push the set to failure within the rep range, rest briefly (10-15 sec), then perform additional reps.
  • Drop Set: After reaching failure, immediately reduce the weight and continue the set to further fatigue the muscles.
  • ^ 3-5 Second Negatives: Lower the weight slowly for 3-5 seconds during the eccentric phase to enhance muscle engagement and strength development.


Workout 3: Arms and Abs


Exercise Sets Reps Rest
Close Grip Bench Press 12, 10, 12* 90sec
Weighted Dip  3 12, 10, 12+ 90 sec
Rope Tricep Extension 3  12, 12, 12^ 90 sec
Lying Leg Raise 3 12, 12, 12 90 sec
Cable Crunch 3 12, 12, 12 90 sec
Barbell Curl 3 12, 12, 12* 90 sec
Hammer Curl 3  12, 10, 12+ 90 sec
Cable Curl 3 12, 12, 12^ 90 sec


  • Rest-Pause Set: Reach failure within the rep range, rest briefly, then perform additional reps.
  • Drop Set: Immediately reduce weight after reaching failure to extend the set.
  • ^ 3-5 Second Negatives: Lower the weight slowly during the eccentric phase for enhanced muscle engagement.

Workout 4: Legs

Exercise Sets Reps Rest
Deadlift 3 12, 10, 12* 90 sec
Lying Leg Curl 3 12, 10, 12+ 90 sec
Walking Lunge 3 12, 12, 12 90 sec
Front Squat 3 12, 10, 12* 90 sec
Leg Extension 3 12, 12, 12+ 90 sec
Dumbbell Side Lunge 12, 12, 12 90 sec
Seated Calf Raise  3 12, 12, 12^ 90 sec
Calf Press 3 12, 12, 12^ 90 sec


  • Rest-Pause Set: Perform to failure, briefly rest, then continue with additional reps.
  • Drop Set: Reduce weight immediately after hitting failure to continue the set.
  • ^ 3-5 Second Negatives: Lower the weight slowly during the lowering phase to increase intensity and muscle engagement.

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