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From Night Owl to Early Bird: How I Became Addicted to Morning Workouts

May 08,2023 | Easy Choi

Transitioning from being a night owl to becoming an early bird who enjoys morning workouts can be a difficult but incredibly rewarding journey. Many of us are used to staying up late and sleeping in, but making the switch to a morning routine can have a positive impact on our health, productivity, and overall well-being. While the transition can be challenging, the benefits are worth it. In this post, we'll explore why making the shift can be tough, but ultimately so rewarding. We'll also discuss some tips and tricks for making the transition as smooth as possible, and share some inspiring stories of individuals who have successfully made the change. So, if you're thinking about becoming an early bird who enjoys morning workouts, keep reading to learn more!

  • Experience as a Night Owl
  • Decided to Make the Change
  • 5 Tips for Making the Transition From Night Owl to Early Bird
  • The Benefits of Morning Workouts

Experience as a Night Owl

Prior to becoming an early bird and embracing morning workouts, I was a notorious night owl. I used to stay up late into the night, often until the early hours of the morning, and would struggle to wake up early for work or other commitments. My workout routine was just as erratic as my sleep schedule. I would sometimes attempt to work out after work, but would often lack the energy or motivation to do so. This resulted in missed workouts and an inconsistent fitness routine. I quickly realized that this approach was not sustainable and decided to make a change. However, transitioning from my night owl habits to becoming an early bird who works out in the morning was not without its challenges.

Decided to Make the Change

After realizing the negative impact that my late-night workout routine was having on my life, I decided to make a change and become an early bird. The transition was not easy - I had been a night owl for as long as I could remember and struggled to wake up before sunrise. For years, I struggled to maintain a consistent workout routine. I would try to fit in exercise whenever I could, usually in the evenings after work. However, as time went on, I found it increasingly difficult to motivate myself to exercise at the end of a long day. I knew I needed to make a change, but I wasn't sure where to start. Then, I discovered the benefits of morning workouts. Not only would working out in the morning more energy and focus throughout the day, but I also found that my workout routine no longer interfered with my social life or my sleep schedule, the more I realized that this was the change I needed to make. I made a commitment to myself to start waking up earlier and working out in the morning, and I haven't looked back since.

5 Tips for Making the Transition from night owl to early bird

Transitioning from a night owl to an early bird who enjoys morning workouts can be a challenging process, but the benefits are endless. It can increase productivity, improve mental health, and establish a consistent routine that sets the tone for the rest of the day. However, it's not easy to make the switch overnight. That's where these five tips come in handy. Gradually adjusting your sleep schedule, setting goals and rewards, finding an accountability partner, preparing the night before, and investing in home gym equipment can make all the difference in making the transition a success. Let's dive deeper into each of these tips to help you start your day off right with a morning workout.

morning workout at home

1. Gradually adjust your sleep schedule

If you're used to staying up late and waking up late, it can be a shock to your system to suddenly start waking up early. Instead, gradually adjust your sleep schedule by going to bed 15-30 minutes earlier each night and waking up 15-30 minutes earlier each morning. This will help your body adjust to the new routine and make it easier to wake up early for your morning workouts.

2. Set goals and rewards

One way to stay motivated during the transition is to set goals and rewards for yourself. For example, set a goal to work out for 30 minutes every morning for a week, and reward yourself with a new piece of home gym equipment once you achieve your goal.

3.Find an accountability partner

Having someone to hold you accountable can be a great motivator. Find a friend or family member who is also interested in working out in the morning and commit to exercising together. You can also use fitness apps or join online communities to find workout partners.

4.Prepare the night before

To make it easier to wake up and work out in the morning, prepare everything the night before. Lay out your workout clothes, fill up your water bottle, and set up any home gym equipment you'll be using. This will save you time and make it easier to get started in the morning.

5.Invest in home gym equipment

If you're serious about working out in the morning, investing in home gym equipment can be a great way to stay motivated and make the transition easier. You don't need a lot of equipment to get started, but having a few key pieces like dumbbells, a yoga mat, or a stationary bike can make a big difference. Plus, having equipment at home eliminates the need to travel to a gym and can save you time and money in the long run.

    The Benefits of Morning Workouts

    Morning workouts have a multitude of benefits that can positively impact one's physical and mental health. One of the most significant advantages of morning exercise is the increase in productivity throughout the day. Exercise releases endorphins that stimulate the brain, making individuals feel more alert and focused. It also helps to reduce stress and anxiety levels, improving overall mental health. Additionally, establishing a consistent morning workout routine can lead to a better sleep schedule, which is essential for overall well-being. Consistency in exercise can lead to increased confidence and motivation, allowing individuals to achieve their fitness goals. Ultimately, incorporating morning workouts into a daily routine can lead to a happier, healthier lifestyle.

    Transitioning from a night owl to an early bird may seem daunting, but the benefits are worth it. Not only will you experience an increase in productivity and mental clarity, but you'll also set the tone for the rest of your day. Say goodbye to the sluggish mornings and hello to a fresh start with a morning workout.

    workout at home

    To make the transition easier, start by gradually adjusting your sleep schedule. Set small goals and reward yourself for progress. Find an accountability partner to keep you motivated and on track. Prepare the night before by laying out your workout clothes and setting up your home gym equipment.

    The beauty of morning workouts is that you can do them anywhere, anytime, with minimal equipment. Investing in a few key pieces of equipment will make your workouts more enjoyable and effective. Imagine starting your day with a peaceful yoga flow, a heart-pumping cardio workout, or a strength-training session, all from the comfort of your own home gym.

    Don't let the fear of change hold you back from experiencing the incredible benefits of morning workouts. Embrace the sunrise, push your limits, and set yourself up for a successful and fulfilling day.

